How to divide two numbers in VueJS?

Hi Friends đź‘‹,

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To divide two numbers in vue.js, use the / operator it will divide if your value datatype is a number else if your value datatype is a string first convert it using Number() and then perform the division operation.

In the following example, we will take the sample numbers, and strings and perform a division operation using the / division operator.

Dividing Two numbers example

let num1 = 25;
let num2 = 5;
num2 / num1; // 5

Dividing Two string numbers example

let num1 = "25";
let num2 = "5";
parseInt(num2) / parseInt(num1); // 5

Setup the Vue.js

First, we have to install the Vue project, I had installed the vueJS in my system. If you haven’t installed or have any problem with installation you can follow this article, which will show you step by step process of installation.

How to Install the VueJS project?

After the vue.js project setup, I’m going to show you How to divide two numbers in vuejs, as mentioned above here, I’m going to use the / division operator.

Let’s start today’s tutorial on how do you divide two numbers in vue.js?

In this example, we will do

  • take an example of a number and string number data() function
  • Dividing two numbers example
  • Dividing two string numbers example
  • print the output on the page screen


        <h1>Dividing two numbers example</h1>
        <input type="number" v-model.number="firstNum" /> /
        <input type="number" v-model.number="secondNum" /> = 
        <span>{{ firstNum / secondNum }}</span>
        <h1>Dividing two string numbers example</h1>
        <input type="number" v-model="firstStr" /> /
        <input type="number" v-model="secondStr" /> = 
        <span>{{ Number(firstStr) / Number(secondStr) }}</span>

export default {
    name: "FirstComponent",
    data() {
        return {
            firstNum: "",
            secondNum: "",
            firstStr: "",
            secondStr: "",

In the above vue js example, we have taken the sample numbers and string numbers data(), and performed the Dividing two numbers example, and Dividing two string numbers example.


division in Vuejs

I hope it helps you, All the best đź‘Ť.

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