How to define custom events in VueJS?

Hi Friends šŸ‘‹,

Welcome To SortoutCode! ā¤ļø

Today, I am going to show to you How do you define custom events with Vue built-in ā€˜emit()ā€™ function in VueJS.

Vue $emit lets us emit, or send, custom events from a child component to its parent. In a standard Vue flow, this is the best way to trigger certain events (like closing a popup, for example) or to send data from a child component (like making a custom input).

Table of content

  • Setup the Vue (Optional)
  • How does the Vue Emit work?
  • Define the $emit event in child components
  • Trigger the Event in Parent Components

This article guides us to How do I define the $emit function to trigger the event in the parent component in VueJS.

Step 1: Setup the Vue (Optional)

First, we have to install the Vue project, I had installed the vueJS in my system. If you havenā€™t installed or have any problem with installation you can follow this article, it will show you step by step process of installation. How to Setup the VueJS project?

Step 2: How does the Vue Emit work?

Vue $emit() function call can pass with two parameters.

  • The event name ā€“ this is the name that we can listen to in our parent component
  • A payload object ā€“ data that we want to pass with the event; this is optional

Hereā€™s an example of a typical emit using both parameters $emit('event-name, data).

There is a different way to use Vue $emit.

  • Inline using $emit
  • Options API ā€“ this.$emit
  • Composition API ā€“ context.emit

Step 3: Define the $emit() in child components

First Iā€™m going to set an on-click event for the the syntex is @click and your function name.In Below code @click="childMethod". ā€˜childMethodā€™ is name method. we can access the $emit() function in component using this keyword for example this.$emit(). $emit() sends an event up the component tree. In emitting () the first parameter is the method and the other one data

Now, let us see an example of the $emit function.


        <button @click="childMethod">Click</button>

export default{
            msg:'Welcome to sortoutcode.'

Step 4: Trigger the Event in Parent Components

In the Parent Components, First I have to import the Child Components in the script and also export the Child Components. After that, I am using the ā€˜ChildComponentā€™ in the template.

Parent Component setup like this, listening for a custom get-welcome-message event and logging its value. And trigger the showMessage events in Parent Components.


  <ChildComponent @get-welcome-message="showMessage"></ChildComponent>
import ChildComponent from "./ChildComponent.vue";
export default {
  name: "ParentComponent",
  components: {
    ChildComponent: ChildComponent,
  methods: {
    showMessage(value) {

For now, letā€™s check the output.


vue, emit

All the best šŸ‘.

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