How to check if an index exists in an array or not in VueJS?

Hi Friends 👋,

Welcome To SortoutCode! ❤️

Today I am going to show you How do you check if an index exists in an array or not in VueJS.

Let’s start with the defining the array,

export default {
    name: 'FirstComponent',
    data() {
            names : ["Welcome","to","Sortcode","Sortoutcode"],

Data is used to define properties in a particular component. In a single-file component, data() is a function that returns a set of properties that have been defined in the function.

we define the names array with some data.

when we console the names array index 3 and 4 it returns the Sortoutcode and undefined.

console.log(this.names[3]);  // Sortoutcode
console.log(this.names[4]);  // undefined

when we put this index access value syntax in if...else and check whether we can know index exists or not.

        <h1>Welcome to SortoutCode</h1>
export default {
    name: 'FirstComponent',
            names : ["Welcome","to","Sortcode","Sortoutcode"],
            console.log("names[2], ","Index Exist");       
            console.log("names[2], ",'Index Not Exist');

For now, let’s check the output.


Array Index

All the best 👍.

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